Sunday, January 15, 2012

Taste list price to be worth 100 strong inland 10 years to did not go up a list of names posted up

Before 10 strong by the United States accuse grand amount to electronic reluctance to make company of a list of names posted up say outback enterprise marchs into a list of names posted up abroad consciousness is insufficient

Report from our correspondent (reporter Li Shixiang) Interbrand of well-known trademark advisory company released the whole world newest value of brand of 2011 year whole world 100 strong a list of names posted up are odd. Before Coke Cola, IBM and Microsoft continue to hold a title 3 armour, gu Ge and general and electric continue to sit firmly the 4th mix the 5th.

From a list of names posted up this year sheet can see, those who hold position of odd key of a list of names posted up is main come from industry of science and technology, before 10 strong in 7 come from domain of scie brooch pins nce and technology. Among them, brand value of the apple is jumped rise at most, jumped 58% , the rank also is jumped from the 17th of last year litre reach the 8th.

In addition, the brand value of Yamaxun, SamSung and cereal song grows relatively fast also. Among them, samSung rises to from the 19th of last year the 17th, brand value interest is added 20% ; Yamaxun is jumped from the 36th of last year litre reach the 26th, brand value jumps 32% .

Under photograph comparing, adversary of other science and technology is a little inferior, among them HP prison defends the 10th; Nuojiya slides from the 8th of last year reach the 14th, brand value shrink 15% ; Yahoo is 10 to slip repeatedly more, decline from the 66th of last year reach the 76th, brand value shrink 11% .

Single shot of a list of names posted up shows

10 surname beautiful inland by force 10 years to did not go up a list of names posted up

The reporter also notices, the enterprise of before value of brand of a list of names posted up on this year 10 all comes from the United States, other area ranks firm of top Japanese abundant cropland, also reside the 11st only. And China is exclusive this year on the enterprise of a list of names posted up comes from Taiwan area grand amount to an electron (HTC) , enter constrainedly 100 strong, the platoon is in the 98th.

The reporter consulted the congener seniority that this company all previous releases, discovery comes from 2001 2010 10 years, besides this grand outside amounting to an electron, still cross sheet of this a list of names posted up from course of study of the state-owend enterprise in having no.

To this, the reporter connects a line the JC) of the following abbreviation of Jonathan Chajet(of politic chief inspector of Interbrand Asia-Pacific area, he expresses to the reporter, the main reason that Chinese inland brand does not have the one a list of names posted up on the home or " overseas market marchs insufficient " .

■ sheet of a list of names posted up explains

How to calculate brand value?

What Interbrand thinks is to regard commerce as asset, the industry appears some brand investment and brand management.

This means computational brand value to want to think square field surface, among them a main index is how the brand lets an enterprise gain profit, how be attracted for example and tarry talent rises to consumer expects even if think thereby one of limits. modern dining chairs

In addition, still 3 main fields were brought into evaluate in: The finance that is Wu of brand product kimono then is behaved, the part action that reachs since place of the brand in the process is bought in consumer, and the force of the brand.

N/arc drafting / Zhou Jianwen

Brand of 2011 year whole world

Value 100 strong before 10

Rank company brand value

1 Coke Cola 718.61

2 IBM 699.05

3 Microsoft 590.87

4 cereal song 553.17

5 general and electric 428.08

6 Mcdonald's 355.93

memory laptop toshiba

7 Intel 352.17

8 a the most popular scooby costume pples 334.92

9 Dishini 290.18

10 HP 284.79

Unit: 100 million dollars

■ setting link

Interbrand held water 1974, it is the omnibus brand with the greatest whole world consults a company. The client group of Interbrand is enclothed restrain wealth of 2/3 whole world 100 strong companies.

The brand value of Interbrand initiate evaluated a method to obtain international Organization for Standardization 2010 (ISO)10668:2The attestation of 010, it also is the brand strategy that the whole world obtains this authoritative attestation the first times advisory orgnaization.

Exclusive special interview

March enterprise of abroad and insufficient inland loses out

" legal evening paper " (FW) of the following abbreviation: We see, without a list of names posted up on enterprise of inland of a China the whole world this year tastes card value 100 strong, be judge standard has t mobile prepaid cards a problem?

JC: Interbrand whole world is optimal the judge standard of sheet of brand a list of names posted up is, the income that enterprise of a list of names posted up must have at least 30% on comes from except the overseas market beyond native land market. In addition, to can consider the independent outstanding achievement of the company thoroughly, the company still must be to appear on the market company. We feel this is to think whether is brand of a company a real significance g canon ef 15mm o up " global most popular selling scooby costume brand " crucial index. Accordingly, very much China business did not reach this two big levels at the same time, this is to cause Chinese inland enterprise to did not go up the reason of a list of names posted up.

FW: So, is Chinese brand abroad h the best selling scooby costume ave is rate not high the main challenge that is China?

JC: Yes, the challenge with Chinese the biggest brand is in the area besides chinese mainland to lack namely " have rate " . The overseas market that builds joint development makes brand of a whole world to developing Chinese brand crucial.

10 strong it is beautiful look forward to this is a coincidence only

FW: So, from go up in the before 10 strong brands of a list of names posted up, we notice the company that comes from the United States entirely, whether do this have partial ill will?

JC: Before 10 strong companies all come from the United States, this is a coincidence only. We evaluate all brands to use same level, having high objectivity. And another evidence is, interbrand holds water at was in England 1974, so we are done not have partial " the United States " .

Industry of science and technology risks a needle to win in " dedicated " on

FW: Besides above at 2 o'clock, there still is a bit in sheet of a list of names posted up more apparent is, company of science and technology is this year " the biggest the most popular canon ef 15mm win the home " , the one big trend that whether will this be henceforth?

JC: If review the sheet of a list of names posted up that goes a few years, can see, enterprise of science and technology is in all the time the whole world is behaved very well in the sheet of a list of names posted up of optimal brand. Can say, a of company of science and technology common charac the best selling memory laptop toshiba teristic is them often be " brand company " . That is to say they all products and service share a brand. Accordingly, computation they all income all come from a brand. Unlike the enterprise such as 100 things, there are a lot of brands below the banner.

And another account that company of science and technology holds dominant is, industry of science and technology is the trade that a high speed expands. Population grows a reason and development rises taste an industry than be being fed at consumption, of industry of science and technology " future grows anticipate should want than other sphere tall " .

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