Sunday, January 15, 2012

Forbes: Blemish of culture clash system is strangled " Chinese Qiao Busi "

" ox " in Beijing the flower outside retailing shops of 3 Li Tunping fruit grieves over Qiaobusi: "Unprecedented, arrival is not had after "" ox " in Beijing 3 Li Tunping fruit display a flower to grieve over outside the retailing shop Qiaobusi: "Unprecedented, arrival is not had after "

Guide language: The United States " Forbes " magazine network edition is published today sign Panuosi Mudoukuda (the article of Panos Mourdoukoutas) says, the Steve Qiaobusi that China cannot give him (Steve Jobs) , because traditional Confucianist culture makes,be on one hand like that, result from on the other hand the blemish of current economic system.

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It is article full text below:

When just when China begins,as other as the world place discusses Qiaobusi's bequest euqally, a lot of Chinese give out doubt however: Why cannot China give the entrepreneur of Xiong Bite type, gates of the Qiaobusi that cannot give oneself, · that compare Er (Bill Gates) and mark · Za Kebai case (Mark Zuckerberg) ?

I am in no less than before this " China Against Herself " the place in one book says, the entrepreneur spirit of Xiong Bite type needs to explore and dig new market opportunity, introduce corresponding product and flow. But this kind of most popular selling memory card digital cameras spirit however cannot the Confucianist cultu scooby costume re with Chinese place comply with well shirt-sleev most popular selling canon ef 15mm e. Review Chinese history, show some regime and did not give inventor, entrepreneur and commercial pioneer with enough esteem.

The Chinese of tradition of comply with Confucianist has hostility to entrepreneur sometimes, the Europe of this and mercantilism is disparate, latter gets the infection of renaissance and Reformation thought, earth up Francis by · (the influence of Francis Bacon) thought -- these thoughts are admitted by American absolute war and promotion leaves come.

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The state of mind of Chinese Confucianist believer is OK still farther ascribe the genetic system that its flow, the trader that allows a success land of profit invest in, become squirearchy. Not only such, because China follows fair successive pattern, the family belongings allocation gives all sons, is cornstalk not just, this reduced young son pursuit does poineering work independently or the pressure of commercial opportunity.

Before new China holds water, chinese soci the best selling memory laptop toshiba ety did not give entrepreneur enough respect. And after new China holds water, this kind of state did not change. Although passed reforming and opening of 30 years, china's as vast a free canon ef 15mm s western society existence still to the understanding of entrepreneur spirit difference, although be compared with posture of partial Asia nation, also have very big different. Entrepreneur was not regarded as pioneer and adventur the most popular scooby costume er, however by honour for hero and model worker, make the model of other worker and whole society.

Worker hero creed does not accord with the entrepreneur spirit of Xiong Bite type, also cannot breed goes apple, Microsoft (small gain) , Gu Ge and Yamaxun such enterprise, because the Chinese goes after innovation without sufficient capacity and knowledge,this is not, result from however Chinese economic system, make cannot overtake the demand of new technology and global market. Although experienced market economy reform, chinese entrepreneur lacks the information the best selling t mobile prepaid cards that explores new product, freedom and exciting element generally still, remain planned economy because of them " unit " , of economy of market of and rather than " company " .

Inside this kind of system, entrepreneur spirit comes from the supply of the market to carry, and resource of have the aid of comes true. But in market economy environment, general pattern should be to result from demand end, come true by right of consumer. The person that planning looks, this kind of mode is reasonable, they are mastering many natural resources, and longing seeks a few quick way will achieve short-term growth. But in light of the global market from rapid change, this is unreasonable however, because be held truly,of heart status is consumer in economy, the person that and rather than plans.

Fair land is told, was not all United States to the company understands and use this kind of idea. Include Kodak, Cisco and HP (small gain) inside, enterprise of a lot of science and technology answers the entrepreneur spirit of supply drive from the entre free brooch pins preneur spirit retrogression of consumer drive, make thereby partner incur loss.

In the final analysis: Want to have oneself star industrialist, china must want to develop to be market economy of the center with consumer, what release people thereby is Promethean with creativity, explore novel means to change the life of consumer, let them accumulate wealth for oneself in this one process. (Book Yu)

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