Sunday, January 15, 2012

" Forbes " judge the most welcome brand: Gu Ge the 3rd apple the 6th

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"usb harddrive enclosure Forbes " grown to 2500 United States netizen undertook investigating, judge 100 the most welcome brands free canon ef 15mm in giving their mental view. Result, give birth to rank first place by force, general mill (General Mills) ranks 2, and Gu Ge is ranked the 3rd. north face shirts

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In addition, microsoft (small gain) rank the 11st, HP (small gain) 18, IBM 20, Suo Ni 22, beautiful can 23, Ren Ti free brooch pins antang 29, Intel 30, SamSung (small most popular selling t mobile prepaid cards gain) 35, Dai Er (small gain) 36, RIM 46, Verizon 47, Facebook 56, AT&T 64, Sprint 78, Comcast 89. (Li Ming)

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