Sunday, January 15, 2012

Temporarily Morse of Mu of CEO the base of a fruit: Did not try to sell Yahoo

[north face shirtsdispatch of Sai Di net] on October 10 message, yahoo company high level held the high-level meeting of vice-president level above recently, tempor the best selling memory card digital cameras arily Morse of Mu of CEO the base of a fruit (Tim Morse) is aimed at sell be related the most popular canon ef 15mm made clear answer: Still sell Yahoo without the attempt now. There is a message to say before this, probable meeting is in Yahoo to did not come a few 35% share that sell place holds Yahoo Japan inside week.

On this second conference, morse admits at present Yahoo is in a very difficult period, he expresses to want to undertake dissolving through taking quick action. Morse the best selling memory laptop toshiba avoids talk anabiosis newspaper of plan free memory laptop toshiba , money and the issue that sell a field, think because lack,the f the best selling scooby costume ree scooby costume understanding to inside information and other reason cannot discuss these issues now.

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To selling be related, morse criticized media to cause misdirect to the public, because a lot of media read memorandum content of Yang Zhiyuan by accident. "We sell without the attempt (Yahoo) company " Morse say. memory laptop toshiba

But he expresses at the same time, much home company is in the best selling t mobile prepaid cards terested in Yahoo, at present bank adviser already was mixed " we think to should undertake consulting " the company undertook memory card digital cameras osculatory.

(Responsibility edits: SY)

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